Zine Lunch with KB Brookins
‘Zine Lunch!’ presented by Sarabande Books is a free online workshop on micro-writing and art. Hosted nearly every Friday from 12 - 1PM EST via Zoom, the workshops are designed to be a fun and low-stakes way to make time for creativity. In each lunchtime session, a Sarabande author or friend of the press leads attendees through the creation of a small work of writing or art in zine form. Bookmark this space to see our upcoming ‘Zine Lunch!’ sessions. You can register for upcoming workshops and view recordings of past workshops through the linked images below. Learn more about zine art here.
Workshop title: Mama Let’s PRAISE!
Description: A workshop where participants will close read and create their own poems of praise — including odes, afters, and more!
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqdeypqj4pHtGXh2dLwzLk6Yxvl0c_P6JM#/registration